Optimize Search Results on Your B2B AutomaShop with E-Commerce Settings

Enhance Customer Experience and Boost Sales with Precise Search Options

Jakub Lewicki

Last Update hace 2 meses

Welcome to the E-Commerce Settings feature in AutomaShop, designed to help you narrow down search results for your customers. With these settings, you can ensure that only the most relevant products are displayed, enhancing the shopping experience and boosting sales.

Accessing E-Commerce Settings

To start using E-Commerce Settings click on "Settings" and select "E-Commerce Settings."

Product Condition Option

One of the key options you can apply is the product condition option. If no conditions are set, all available product conditions will appear in search results. However, if you specify conditions such as "new" and "used," customers will only see products that meet these criteria. This ensures that customers view exactly what you want to highlight.

Warranty Option

Another valuable option is the warranty period. You can set it in months to display only products that have a specified warranty period. For example, if you set the warranty option to 12 months, only products with a warranty of 12 months or more will appear in search results. This gives customers added confidence.

 Inventory Update Time Option

The last option allows you to narrow search results based on the recency of inventory updates. By specifying a period in days, such as 7 days, only products whose inventory has been updated within the past week will be displayed. This helps ensure that customers see the newest and most accurate product availability.

Applying the Settings

To implement these options, simply enter the desired criteria in E-Commerce Settings. This personalization allows you to better manage search results in your B2B AutomaShop and effectively cater to customer preferences.

E-Commerce Settings in AutomaShop offers a powerful way to enhance the relevance of search results. By using the product condition, warranty period, and inventory update time options, you can ensure that customers see the best and most appropriate products. Start optimizing search results today to improve the shopping experience and increase sales. Discover E-Commerce Settings in AutomaShop now and take control of your product listings!

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