Inventory Visibility

We know your business. From now on you can manage the visibility of your Stock on Automa.Net


Last Update 8 tháng trước

Hi there! 

We present you with a new feature that gives you the possibility to limit your stock visibility to the chosen countries OR / AND companies. 

To enable these options go to our Platform >> Settings >> Sales Tab. 

Now you can decide if you want to 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄 your Inventory only in a specific country/countries or 𝗵𝗶𝗱𝗲 your inventory only in a specific specific country/countries. 

Exact same actions you can take in accordance to specific Company / Companies.

You can modify those settings at any time - switch between hide and show, delete or add countries or companies.

Thanks to this feature you can act accordingly with your sales strategy. We hope it helps! 

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